Catholic Nashville

Catholic Nashville (3 Minute Theology)

Three Minute Theology was born out of a desire to spread the joy of the Gospel to people regardless of who they are, where they are, and how busy they are. If we want to love Jesus, we need to know him. So who is Jesus? Who is His Bride, the Church? Why do Catholics believe what they believe and do what they do?

3MT aims at helping Catholics know more about their Faith and gives them a way to share what they believe. Know someone with questions about the Church? There just might be a 3MT episode that begins to answer those questions.

201 matches found for publisher 'Catholic Nashville'
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3m 21s
What is apologetics and what does it have to do with the faith?
3m 16s
This is our third Christmas celebrating with 3MT! Let's look again at the Christmas story. 'It was not with the timelessness of myth that Jesus came to be born among us.' -Pope Benedict XVI
3m 16s
Let's break down what a dispensation is - who, what, when, where....
2m 54s
What happened at the end of the Blessed Mother's life? That's the topic of this week's 3MT!
3m 24s
We say it every Sunday, but what does "consubstantial" mean? Why were men willing to die over it? That's the topic of this week's 3MT!
3m 17s
Alleluia! Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed.
3m 53s
Why does the Church still use a dead language?
3m 24s
Ever wondered what Lectio Divina is or how to do it? We've got the answers in this week's episode!
3m 10s
Why is the genealogy of Jesus important?
3m 46s
This year is the 800th anniversary of the Franciscan order's presence in the Holy Land. What's the story behind Franciscans in the Holy Land? What do they do today? Find out on this week's episode of 3 Minute Theology!
3m 59s
Did the Catholic Church change the commandments? If we aren't supposed to make graven images, what's up with all those statues, crucifixes, icons, and paintings? Find out in this week's episode!
3m 13s
We're taking another look at the ministerial priesthood.
3m 42s
This week we look at the Gospel accounts of Jesus' Transfiguration. What was happening here? And why?
5m 35s
Come behind the scenes of our 3MT filming in Rome!
3m 42s
What is at the root of our jealousy of others? How do we fight the sin of envy?
3m 17s
In this episode, we look at the Examen, a daily practice give to us by St. Ignatius of Loyola to help us grow in holiness.
3m 54s
Why is pride considered the deadliest of the 7 deadly sins?
3m 41s
We conclude our mini-series on the Cardinal Virtues with a discussion about the virtue of temperance.